About Dressed In Color
Seasonal Color Analysis
The techniques developed by Suzanne Caygill are widely viewed as the "gold standard" in personal seasonal color analysis. While using the four seasons and nature as her language, Suzanne's methods honored each person as an individual with unique coloring. She did not simply have 4 palettes that covered everyone; each season had within it flavors and twists and a palette was designed for each client uniquely to reflect their colors and personality in harmony. Unfortunately, this personalization makes it too expensive for most to take advantage of. Few people have the required skills and each analysis requires 3+ hours in-person often meaning a cost of several hundred dollars.
Dressed In Color aims to make the benefits of a Caygill-type color analysis more accessible to everyone. We've carefully compiled 24 palettes covering all four seasons plus rare cross-season cases allowing you to enjoy a near-custom level palette for less than a pair of jeans. Further, by putting some basic AI systems to work we've made it possible to create fully custom palettes from your photos much more affordably than before. To match you to a palette in our library, or to create a custom palette just for you, we first pull out key colors in your skin, hair, and eyes by computer and then one of our color experts applies our internal algorithms we've built using the guidance found in Caygill's book Color: The Essence of You. These algorithms consider both your photos and your answers to our questionnaire, incorporate modeling in the CIE-XYZ color space and make heavy use of theories from the Munsell color system. Further refinement is then completed by hand to ensure that the final palette delivered to you is just right. It's a balanced blend of smart computing and a focused artistic eye.
Who is Dressed In Color?
Meet Kate Freier, PhD
I was fortunate enough to have gotten my colors "done" when I was just 14. A close family friend was a follower of Suzanne Caygill's work and had her close associate Michaelin Reamy Watts in town to do color palettes for people she knew. I was labeled a "Copper Metallic Autumn" and aside from it opening the door to copper jewelry for me, I didn't think much of it until many years later.
Being a professional woman is a challenging balancing act. It can be a real struggle to establish yourself as an expert and someone in a position of authority while still being likable. Working in the tech industry I found myself turning to my color palette more and more. Some days I needed to wear my dark forest green power color to both boost my confidence and send an authoritative vibe in an important meeting. Other days it was very deliberate that I'd pick something in my rich turquoise shade to help me come off as friendly and approachable when speaking on a panel.
A Metallic Autumn
I wish more women (and men) had these tools at their disposal. It doesn't get much simpler than wearing one top rather than another - and yet that choice truly does have the power to change your mood and how others respond to you (which in turn impacts how you feel even more).
This is why I've launched Dressed In Color. I've taken my 20+ years of experience in data science and put it to work trying to reproduce the color palette wisdom I got as a teen-ager. I want to remove the barrier that comes from needing an expert physically located near you, and reduce the cost that comes from the traditionally time-intensive process of creating a fully custom palette.
When you know what colors work for you, it's a boost in all you do. Shopping based on color saves you the time of trying things on that will never be quite right. Putting together outfits goes more smoothly when everything coordinates and makes you feel good. You have added control over your confidence and the impression you make on the world. I hope you'll give Dressed In Color a try and see for yourself how this idea of color harmony can make a real impact in your life.
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